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Overcoming your matters together

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Mental wellness plays a vital part in our health system because it does not only focus on our cognitive and behavioral aspects. It can influence our physical health as well. We know how difficult these are, as they become barriers in our daily activities and happiness. Seeking help from professionals is a huge step to eliminate the discomforts you experience and identify other issues associated with it.

Issues That We Resolve

Depression & Anxiety
Depression, fear, and anxiety are some of the most common and uncomfortable emotions that we can experience at some point in our lives. Through counseling and treatment, we can help you recover the motivation, perspective, and joy that you once had in your life.

Trauma & PTSD
Many individuals can experience symptoms associated with painful and traumatic circumstances. Anxiety, fear, and hopelessness are a few emotions that can linger post traumatic events. We can help you overcome these symptoms and guide you through the process of grief and healing through medication services and referral to a certified therapist for psychotherapy.

Bipolar Affective Disorder
The disorder is also known as bipolar disorder. It is a series of extreme mood swings, emotional surges, and energy that boost and drop alternatively in a period. With this, you can experience manic and hypomanic episodes and depressive disorder. Although there is no cure for this, getting treatment is best to gain control of your events.

Bipolar Disorder 1&2
These two disorders differ from the mania that occurs. While both may include depressive disorders, bipolar disorder 1 can have you experience mania that can last for months. Meanwhile, for bipolar disorder 2, the mania that occurs is less severe, which is called hypomania that can also last for months.

ADHD (Children and Adult)
Attention-Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder or ADHD is a disorder that describes people who lose focus and attention easily. There are three types of the disorder: inattentive, hyperactive/impulsive, and mixed. Obtaining such issues can influence other aspects of your life negatively. However, it can be treated through therapy, medication, or both.

Panic Attacks
Panic attacks are triggers that respond to the sense of danger that feels like a sudden heart attack. It can be unpredictable and can be a symptom of anxiety disorder, OCD, and PTSD. Recurring events can cause constant worries and anxiety, resulting in panic disorders. Therapy and antidepressant medications can be applied as treatments to prevent or reduce more attacks from happening.

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder or OCD is not just about being extremely meticulous. It is caused by little to no control of the brain that is causing obsession and compulsiveness. Treatments can include therapy, medication, and even surgery if the disorder fails to acknowledge other treatment procedures.

Oppositional Defiance
Oppositional Defiant Disorder or ODD falls under Disruptive, Impulse Control, and Conduct Disorder (DIC). It is the presence of emotional dysregulation and lacking self-control, resulting in arguments and defying those who control your behavior. Therapy, skill training, and anger management can be applied as treatment.

Sleeping Disorder or Insomnia
Insomnia is a result of extreme sleep deprivation, physical health disorders, and stress. Due to the stress and anxiety that is developed from lack of sleep, you can experience higher sensitivity to noise and any slight movements around you. However, even if you have already gained hours of sleep, you can wake up stressed, exhausted, and confused. Treatments and counseling can help change your bedtime routine.

Anger Management
Anger is a normal emotion that can be difficult to avoid. It is often viewed as irritability or rage. However, it can be a disguise of underlying symptoms of worry, stress, insecurity, embarrassment, and other issues. Learning about your anger and how to identify, control, and respond will become a life-changing action that will prevent you from getting engaged in harmful and painful events.

Conduct Disorder
The disorder also emits a lack of self-control. It is almost the same as Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD), but with an additional trait of aggressiveness, causing theft, harm, and destruction. The disorder is categorized into two, which are childhood and adolescent onsets. With these actions, the treatment should include cognitive behavioral therapy, self-control training, and anger management.

Borderline Personality
Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) symptoms are difficulty controlling emotions, low self-esteem, fear of abandonment, emptiness, impulsive, and attempt to risk. Biological disorders or trauma can be a cause of this disorder. Dialectical Behavioral Therapy can be applied for effective treatment.

MAT (For Substance Abuse Disorder)
Substance abuse disorder is the continuous usage of a substance despite the negative effects it brings to your life. Although most behavioral and cognitive issues can be treated with therapy, Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) is an effective treatment for substance abuse. Medication will be prescribed and must be followed to stop withdrawal and other influences that harm you.

*As of now, we still do not conduct therapies as we are still working on it. However, we can refer you to trusted professionals in the field.

Need a Professional to Lean On to?

Share your discomforts and concerns by reaching out to us. We are always here, prepared to listen and help you in any way we can.